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Subversive Subversion Team Provider Newsgroup

The Subversive newsgroup is a place where our community can discuss general topics related with the project. It's the right place to ask questions about Subversive usage, share feedback and request a help. You can connect to the newsgroup at news://news.eclipse.org/eclipse.technology.subversive. Instruction below if you need them.

Get the Password

Request your free password using the registration form at  ». Yl receive login credentials by e-mail shortly after registering. You can work with newsgroups using simple web interface or set up your favorite NNTP news reader (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)

Access via Web Interface

The newsgroup has a simple and useable web interface which allows reading posts and writing answers. Access it here:
http://www.eclipse.org/newsportal/thread?group=eclipse.technology.subversive &o;

Access via News Readers

You can use any news reader that supports NNTP newsgroups. Popular email clients like Outlook and Thunderbird can be used to work with newsgroups. If necessary, consult the documentation for your preferred news reader to set up access to the Eclipse news server. Use following settings:
    News server: news.eclipse.org
    Port: 119 (or 80 for firewalled users)
    SSL: no UserID and Password are provided during subscription

After you connect to the Eclipse news server, find the eclipse.technology.subversive newsgroup and subscribe to it.

Newsgroup Questions & Answers

What do I need to do in order to use the Subversive mailing lists?
First of all you need to subscribe to the mailing list. Please follow the instructions. As soon as you complete the subscription process, you will begin receiving posts from the mailing list. You can also post to mailing list by sending e-mails to the respective mailing list address.

Subversive has both mailing lists and newsgroups. What is the difference and which should I use?
Mailing lists are mostly used for communication between Subversive committers, integrators, and contributors, and for getting announcements from the development team. Newsgroups are aimed at organizing general discussions in the wider community. So...

  • If you use Subversive and need support or have questions, you should post to the newsgroup.
  • If you are Subversive committer, contributor or integrator, then post to the subversive-dev@eclipse.org » mailing list
  • If you want to get announcements about new Subversive versions, then subscribe to the subversive-announce@eclipse.org » mailing list.

Can I review mailing lists?
Mailing list archives allow you to review all posts though simple web interface. You don't need to subscribe or register in order to have access to archives.

I subscribed to the mailing list, but receive only new posts. Where I can find old posts?
Look in the archive for the mailing list(s) you are subscribed to. Archives contain all posts.