Download Subversive Subversion Team Provider for Eclipse

The Subversive distribution consists of 2 parts - the Subversive plug-in and Subversive SVN Connectors. You need both parts in order to work with Subversive. Links to these components are provided on this page.

Forrester Webinar

Juno Release

Lightbulb The Subversive Update Site is a part of Juno Update Site.

  • To install:
    1. On main menu, choose Help > Install New Software. The available Software dialog appears.
    2. In the Work with list, select Juno - A list of software packages appears.
    3. Expand the Collaboration node, scroll the list and select Subversive features
    4. Check other options in the dialog as desired and click the Next button. The Install Details screen appears in the dialog.
    5. Click the Next button, accept the license and click Finish. Subversive will download and install.
    6. It is recommended to accept the option to restart Eclipse.
  • – [required] Subversive SVN Connectors
  • – [optional] Subversive Integrations
Early Access Build
Subversive Connector Archives